Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Hebrew Nation bashing on own Jewish Religion????

Here in America we allow in all different types of races like; Middle Easterns, Asians, African Americans, Hispanics, and also Hebrews. But even though we allow them here does not mean that we respect their lifestyles and religions. For instance, where we show this is in the media and it is mostly from television. For every race the media percieves them as a certain sterotype. One of them being Hebrews and their Jewish religion. The media perceives this religion by stateing that Jews are cheap, own bagel shops, and that they are minorities because of their religion. Sometimes it is other cultures portraying Jews, but most of the time it's actually the Hebrew people that make fun of themselves!!

The picture above shows 2 jewish guys, Bryan Fogel and Sam wolfson, making fun of how people perceive Hebrews as being cheap. Notice the "sale" as if you were a jewish person, you would get 1 cent off. This would be called "being jewish" like "being cheap". Hebrews try to save their money as much as possible even if its only 1 cent. Also notice how they dont light their cigarettes with matches or a lighter. I think this was another way saying why buy matches or a lighter while we can just use our Menorah.

In the picture to the right, is the Tv series "Joan of Arcadia," on CBS. In this primetime show, CBS misinterpeted the Herbrew Scriptures and some of the younger teens viewers that are Hebrew saw this and complained to CBS. One of the characters, had said " I come off alittle easier friendlier in the New Testament and the Koran" and other statements that were untrue about their religion. After the first episode immediatly Jewish teens felt assualted by this because they have just recently learned and grew through their scriptures in bar and bat mitzvahs. Then CBS rebroadcasted the same episode with the scriptures being exactly right.

The video above is another way the Hebrew Nation is represented in television and that is comedy. I feel as if we can get rid of the sterotypes by laughther. In this case Ali G (Borat), being jewish, makes fun of the jews. He states that Jewish people were the causes for all the dinosaurs being killed, that they started all wars, and because of them hurricane katrina happend. Also at the end of this clip he pokes fun at how jews make bagels and that in Katizstan they give the death penalty whoever bakes bagels. Comedy takes away from the hate and anger of these sterotypes and twists it into a hilarous humor.

Once again Adam Sandler does it again on Saturday Night Live when he plays part 3 of this mesmorizng, hilarious, chanukah song. Here he sings a song about the Jewish religion and how they celebrate their Christams. And of course we all know he is part of the Jewish religion too. In this song he cracks jokes about celebraties that are and arent Jewish. It shows that so many people in this world are Jewish and that they are the same as everyone else but just do things alittle differently. Sandler's song, I feel is great to air on national tv because its a joke that everyone can laugh at and take away from their sterotype.

What I find interesting is that the majority of the huge corporations such as; Disney, ESPN, ABC, and Time Warner etc. are all owned by Jewish people. So why are Jews are even portrayed in the media in a negative aspect while they own all these big companies? Below is a link that tells you what corporations are owned by Jews and who those Jews are that run it.

Above, is part of an episode of the hit FOX TV series, "Family guy" called "Wish upon a Weinstein". Here Peter Griffin, the main character, sings a song about how he needs to find a Jew. He sings about how he needs a jew to do his checking book because it a mess and to try to take care of his constant money problems but he desperatley cant find one. As a joke, a spaceship floats down to pick him up and when it stops it turns into a draidel and shoots off to space. Peter, while still singing, then jumps off the draidel and slides down a Menorah into the stars. At one point in the song he is walking through town trying to find one and he looks into a Bagel shop which shows the sterotype of them owning bagel shops. Also, the other obvious sterotype is that he wants to save money and take care of his money problems so why not get a jew since their known for being cheap. Eventaully the next day Peter's door knocks and its Max Weinstein, a jew, and he comes to Peters rescue throughout the rest of the episode.

These sterotypes are most definitley reflected on how the media, in especially television, represents Hebrews and their Jewish religion. Its the image that is left in the viewers mind that causes these sterotypes to develope. But its not just the Jewish religion that gets bashed upon, its also every other race including White Caucasains. The only way you can get away in society today by making fun of races is through comedy. Plain and simple! Its more of laughing with the audience rather picking a target and laughing at them. It takes away from the sterotype and the hatred that comes along with it. Its just fun, nothing more.

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